Disciplinary resources for DoRANum
Since 2015, the online self-training platform DoRANum has been a valued resource teaching researchers, PhD students and support staff about research data management and sharing. The organisation of the current platform is based on nine transversal research themes and features a range of learning resources.
The disciplinary project for DoRANum aims to enrich the platform by developing disciplinary training resources to support scientific communities on elements that structure data FAIRisation matters in their disciplines (e.g. metadata schemas, controlled vocabularies, infrastructures, tools, disciplinary warehouses etc.).
The work of the DoRANum team (URFIST network/Inist-CNRS) to achieve this is steered by a scientific committee of 15 experts.
When these resources are rolled out, digital badges will be introduced into the scheme to recognise the skills acquired.
The resources developed will be hosted either on the DoRANum website or in the space dedicated to DoRANum on the Callisto platform in the case of complete lessons with the attribution of digital badges