Committee at work

The Committee for Open Science is made up of permanent colleges and expert groups and leads projects. These bodies contribute to the implementation of measures set out in the National Plan for Open Science according to the theme involved.

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In progress
Transparency and publicising the results of health research
Formulating proposals to reduce publication bias, improve the decision-making process and reduce the waste of funds allocated to research.
In progress
The definition and recognition of data management and dissemination activities
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research wishes to develop and recognise the skills and activities of researchers, academics, research support staff…
In progress
Passport for open science
Creating and disseminating open science resources to PhD students and their professional environment.
In progress
Publication and self-archiving policies
To define and implement a new strategy to increase the visibility of French publishers’ policies for the dissemination of articles published in…
In progress
Clinical trial data sharing statement
To ensure that no researcher or research sponsor is left without a solution to help draft a clinical trial data sharing statement…
In progress
Portal for individual health studies
Promoting the transparency of individual health studies through a national portal FReSH (France Recherche en Santé Humaine, France Human Health Research)
Read about finished projects
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An Open Science booklet for unit directors
The idea is to consolidate unit directors’ knowledge of open science by providing a set of practical sheets to help them support…
The quality of health databases
Promoting and facilitating the quality and sharing of databases in the framework of health research and innovation projects.  
Disciplinary resources for DoRANum
Enriching the DoRANum support offer with disciplinary teaching resources.
External international databases feeding the HAL open archive.
DORA assessment
Work continues within the framework of the French national chapter of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (
Global mapping of Open Science actors (CartoSO)
The world open science landscape is complex and constantly evolving. This makes it essential to possess a tool to navigate it more…
International Open Science Expert Network
The International Open Science Expert Network (ReiSo) is made up of French experts in the field of open science. They have been…
Prepublication Platforms
The Committee for Open Science is carrying out a study of Prepublication Platforms in the framework of one of its Publications College’s…
European and International College
The European and International College’s mission is to effectively implement measures linked to issues inherent to French national open science policy in…
The Skills and Training College
The work of this College is part of the National Plan for Open Science’s fourth commitment which aims to transform practices by…
The question of evaluation of research and researchers is all the more relevant with the development of open science.
Constructing bibliodiversity project group
The Jussieu Call for Open science and bibliodiversity was published in early October 2017.
Observatory of open science practices group
The “Observatory of open science practices” project group’s mission will be to provide a feasibility report on the implementation of a permanent…
National web indexing of French public research production Conditor is a repository that indexes all the scientific output from French higher education…
Visa TM project
The objective of the project is to study the conditions for the production of high value-added TDM services (Text & Data Mining)…
Development of best practices
This project group produces guides to best practices and recommendations for research and higher education actors (researchers, decision-makers, engineers, administrative staff) based…
Generic simple data hosting and dissemination service
Its objective is to design a generic service for research data for which existing or future disciplinary repositories would not be a…
The socioeconomics of scientific publication
Research project on the transformation of scientific journals’ publication models in the era of open access.
Translations and Open Science
Exploring the possibilities offered by translation technologies to promote multilingualism in scientific production.
Successfully appropriating open science
Knowledge and promotion of open science practices within disciplinary communities
Electronic laboratory notebooks
The group’s mission is to put forward recommendations for the choice of electronic laboratory notebooks.
SOSP_ State of Open Science Practices in France
Survey on how digital tools and research data are used in French scientific communities
Towards a network of public scientific publishers
Prefiguring the organisation of a new collective structure for public scientific publishers who are committed to open science
Certification of data repositories and services
The group is under the authority of the research data College and the RDA France national hub. Its mission is steering activities…

Ongoing projects

In progress
Transparency and publicising the results of health research
Formulating proposals to reduce publication bias, improve the decision-making process and reduce the waste of funds allocated to research.
In progress
The definition and recognition of data management and dissemination activities
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research wishes to develop and recognise the skills and activities of researchers, academics, research support staff…
In progress
Passport for open science
Creating and disseminating open science resources to PhD students and their professional environment.
In progress
Publication and self-archiving policies
To define and implement a new strategy to increase the visibility of French publishers’ policies for the dissemination of articles published in…
In progress
Clinical trial data sharing statement
To ensure that no researcher or research sponsor is left without a solution to help draft a clinical trial data sharing statement…
In progress
Portal for individual health studies
Promoting the transparency of individual health studies through a national portal FReSH (France Recherche en Santé Humaine, France Human Health Research)
Read about finished projects
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An Open Science booklet for unit directors
The idea is to consolidate unit directors’ knowledge of open science by providing a set of practical sheets to help them support…
The quality of health databases
Promoting and facilitating the quality and sharing of databases in the framework of health research and innovation projects.  
Disciplinary resources for DoRANum
Enriching the DoRANum support offer with disciplinary teaching resources.
External international databases feeding the HAL open archive.
DORA assessment
Work continues within the framework of the French national chapter of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (
Global mapping of Open Science actors (CartoSO)
The world open science landscape is complex and constantly evolving. This makes it essential to possess a tool to navigate it more…
International Open Science Expert Network
The International Open Science Expert Network (ReiSo) is made up of French experts in the field of open science. They have been…
Prepublication Platforms
The Committee for Open Science is carrying out a study of Prepublication Platforms in the framework of one of its Publications College’s…
European and International College
The European and International College’s mission is to effectively implement measures linked to issues inherent to French national open science policy in…
The Skills and Training College
The work of this College is part of the National Plan for Open Science’s fourth commitment which aims to transform practices by…
The question of evaluation of research and researchers is all the more relevant with the development of open science.
Constructing bibliodiversity project group
The Jussieu Call for Open science and bibliodiversity was published in early October 2017.
Observatory of open science practices group
The “Observatory of open science practices” project group’s mission will be to provide a feasibility report on the implementation of a permanent…
National web indexing of French public research production Conditor is a repository that indexes all the scientific output from French higher education…
Visa TM project
The objective of the project is to study the conditions for the production of high value-added TDM services (Text & Data Mining)…
Development of best practices
This project group produces guides to best practices and recommendations for research and higher education actors (researchers, decision-makers, engineers, administrative staff) based…
Generic simple data hosting and dissemination service
Its objective is to design a generic service for research data for which existing or future disciplinary repositories would not be a…
The socioeconomics of scientific publication
Research project on the transformation of scientific journals’ publication models in the era of open access.
Translations and Open Science
Exploring the possibilities offered by translation technologies to promote multilingualism in scientific production.
Successfully appropriating open science
Knowledge and promotion of open science practices within disciplinary communities
Electronic laboratory notebooks
The group’s mission is to put forward recommendations for the choice of electronic laboratory notebooks.
SOSP_ State of Open Science Practices in France
Survey on how digital tools and research data are used in French scientific communities
Towards a network of public scientific publishers
Prefiguring the organisation of a new collective structure for public scientific publishers who are committed to open science
Certification of data repositories and services
The group is under the authority of the research data College and the RDA France national hub. Its mission is steering activities…
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