
External international databases feeding the HAL open archive.
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CorHal is a collaboration project between the Centre for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD) and the Inist-CNRS. The two organisations work under the aegis of the Committee for Open Science and the project is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

The CCSD enhances the dissemination and visibility of full text research work through the HAL archive. One of the major challenges currently is to simplify the depositing process for researchers and increase the volume of open access documents. Different complementary initiatives have been envisaged in compliance with commitment 1 of the National Plan for Open Science:

  • increased support for self-archiving by researchers;
  • the targeted collection of full text documents from different sources and platforms around the world (PLOS, international open archives, pre-publication servers, etc.);
  • finding and gathering open access versions of legally deposited articles;
  • importing articles from publishers’ platforms in compliance with national agreements.

These changes will significantly increase the quantity of metadata which needs to be managed. Consequently, HAL’s information system and database feeding workflow has to evolve to maintain a high quality level. Two initiatives will be jointly developed to achieve this. The first involves the implementation of a bibliographic metadata import module, managing the possible conflicts between indexes by enhancing the identification of duplicates and finally precise versioning. The second involves significant improvement of the interfaces provided for researchers and HAL portal administrators.


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