Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2025
We invite to WOOC researchers, scholarly publishers, funders, policymakers, institutions, and open citations advocates, interested in the widespread adoption of practises for creation, sharing, reuse and improvement of open scholarly metadata.
This year’s edition of the workshop will gravitate around the following theme:
” Open Access of Research Information “
May 28 will be dedicated to the Bologna Meeting on Open Research Information, to encourage discussion between the signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration and other interested bodies and collaboratively orient the common roadmap, thus allowing the articulation of the outcomes that have recently been discussed during the Paris Conference on Open Research Information.
May 29 will be dedicated to invited contributions, presentations and a poster session selected among the participants in the call for contributions on the workshop theme.
Participation in both days of WOOC 2025 is open to everyone. In particular, OpenCitations and the WOOC organizing committee aim to welcome the signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration and anyone interested in Open Research Information to an interactive event that aspires to encourage the incubation of ideas and strategically orient the development of practices in open research information.
The Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2025 will be an in-presence event organized in the spaces of the University of Bologna, one of the signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information and CoARA, of which it is also leader of the CoARA National Chapter.