The Open Science Committee’s meeting on the national policy for open science
The members of the Permanent Secretariat for Open Science (SPSO[1]The Permanent Secretariat is led by the National Coordinator for Open Science and is responsible for preparing the Steering Committee for Open Science’s work and ensuring conclusions are implemented. It coordinates the work of the Committee for Open Science’s colleges, supervises the website’s editorial committee and monitors the progress of ongoing projects for the operational implementation of the National Open Science Policy. It holds monthly meetings. More details: met at a seminar in Paris on April 16th and 17th 2024. The meeting’s aim was to take stock of progress made on the main goals and measures set out in the National Plan for Open Science and think about future developments.
The seminar was structured into two half-days with participants using the World Café method for their work. The first half-day was given over to discussion of the obstacles to the transition to open science identified by French higher education and research establishments in their responses to a survey on the progress of open science at their own levels. The second half-day concentrated on the levers, actions and stakeholders that could be mobilised to encourage this transition moving forward. The exchanges were particularly fruitful and constructive, thus enriching thought about the future of open science in France between now and 2030.
Participants at the seminar @Comité de rédaction du site Ouvrir la science – CC-BY-NC-ND
The SPSO at work@Comité de rédaction du site Ouvrir la science – CC-BY-NC-ND