In progress
Submit your data, it's published!
The OpenMetaPaper project proposes to boost the openness of research data in ecology and their structuring by the EML metadata standard by testing a device allowing to boost the production of “data paper” and increase the impact of these articles.
Project in brief
Leading establishment
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle
PNDB - Pôle National de Données de Biodiversité
Funding recipient(s)
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle
Project duration
36 mois
172 000 €
Components of the projet
- support the cartography of standards in ecology
- develop functionalities for creating “data paper” on an open source tool for structuring existing ecology metadata, MetaShARK
- set up “Bring your own data” workshops
- generalize the use of the EML standard
- create links with publishers of scientific journals and software