Created in 2015 by Inria, Software Heritage is an open repository with the mission to collect, preserve and share the source code of all publicly available software.


Software Heritage

English translation by Marla Da Silva and Roberto di Cosmo – SWH

Software Heritage (SWH) is the largest source code archive in the world. To date, it has collected over 6 billion unique source files from 90 million software programmes (September 2019).

Created in 2015 by Inria, Software Heritage is a non-profit organization. Its international funding derives from academia through to industry. It is part of the French National Open Science Plan endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Software Heritage contributes to Open Science goals and secures the availability and traceability of software source code used in all fields of research. This makes it easier to reproduce, verify and reuse research results.

Software Heritage archives the source code of all software applications, not only research software. Research software also depends on a multitude of other programmes (from operating systems to generic libraries, countless tools needed for their development).

User guides for researchers are available on the website.

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