re3data COREF/ CoreTrustSeal Workshop on Data Quality Management at Repositories


Data quality assurance is a fundamental issue for repositories that seek to ensure trust in their services. This workshop focuses on measures research data repositories undertake to ensure data quality. The objective of this workshop is to raise awareness and make the various activities repositories perform to assure, assess, and improve data quality visible. The workshop will consist of three parts. It starts with presentations of a survey on research data quality assurance at repositories conducted in 2021 as part of the re3data COREF project as well as lessons from the CoreTrustSeal consultation processes. Operators of repositories with different scopes will present their approaches to quality assurance. Based on this input, we plan to discuss options for making information on data quality assurance visible at the level of repositories.

Results of the discussion will be documented and shared with the public to be reused by repository services such as re3data, CoreTrustSeal, as well as other community initiatives.

Date and Hour
05 October 2022 05 October 2022
From 12:00 to 15:30
En ligne


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