RDA 20th Plenary Meeting
After two years of virtual plenaries and a successful hybrid Plenary 19, we are delighted to hold the 20th Plenary (P20) as a face-to-face event with both in-person and online participation. Details on the conference venue will be announced soon. P20 will include all the main elements of our typical plenary events (plenary sessions, breakout sessions, networking events, etc.).
All P20 sessions will be held in hybrid format and broadcast to virtual participants; virtual participants will be able to join any session and interact with in-person attendees. Please note, fully virtual sessions will not take place at P20.
In addition to the live sessions at the conference venue, P20 will be held on an event platform. Once the platform is confirmed, all registered participants will be able to view the program, access live-streamed presentations of the speakers, links to the various sessions and their recordings.