RDA 16th Plenary Meeting: « Knowledge Ecology » | EN LIGNE


In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, RDA has been contemplating the feasibility of holding its face-to-face plenary in Costa Rica in November. Taking into consideration the health and well-being of our community, the anticipation of continued travel and budget constraints, and the success of RDA’s most recently held Virtual Plenary 15, the organizing committee has decided to move forward in planning another virtual meeting (VP16). VP16 will provide attendees the opportunity to remotely attend plenary sessions, participate in multiple breakout sessions, attend poster sessions and collaborate with attendees.

On behalf of the Plenary 16 organizing committee, thank you in advance for your support and understanding. Although an in-person event may still be able to take place in Costa Rica, it is too soon to make that decision and if it does move forward, we expect a more simplified meeting format than our typical plenary event, with a much smaller audience. Details on an in-person event will be shared with the community as they become available. In the interim, if you have any questions/concerns, please contact us.


With the theme « Knowledge Ecology« , the event is co-organised by CONARE Costa Rica, RDA United States and Research Data Canada.

Knowledge Ecology is the perfect motto to encapsulate the essence of the 16th RDA Plenary and iit will be embedded in a regional culture of respect to nature and diversity.

In the same way that living systems generate complex and balanced reciprocal relationships, human systems require balanced relational dynamics capable of generating mutual feedback. Human social complexity is such that reaching these balances historically has proved to be very difficult to achieve.

Until now, scientific knowledge creation and its mobility has been in a context of inequality, which reduces the chances of interaction and feedback needed to understand the complex reality inherent in human systems. The Open Science approach to knowledge mobility proposes to find meeting points, where different scientific-academic knowledge and perspectives can dialogue and learn from one another and their contribution, from a framework of equity, horizontality, and from the legitimacy of each theoretical, methodological and contextual approach.

With the help of Information and Communication Technologies, it is possible to break with the rigid schemes information flow imposed from profitable entities that tend to be one-directional in knowledge taking without knowledge giving. Open Science allows to generate networks that facilitate the diversification, expansion, reuse and constant creation of knowledge, increasing the health and resilience of information, as in ecologically healthy systems.


You can consult recordings of the sessions  by clicking on the link at the end of the session line in the programme.


Date et Heure
09 novembre 2020 12 novembre 2020
En ligne
Autres Infos
CONARE Costa Rica, RDA United States et Research Data Canada


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