Publication of the proceedings of the European Open Science Conference
The proceedings of the Open Science European Conference (OSEC 2022), which were held in Paris and online on 4 and 5 February as part of the French Presidency of the European Union, are now available online.
On the occasion of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, France organised the Open Science European Conference (OSEC) on 4 and 5 February 2022. The video recordings and presentation materials are available online on the conference website.
In addition to this material, the original speeches, all transcribed and translated, are now also accessible. Thanks to the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and an editorial partnership between the French Academy of Sciences (where the conference was initially scheduled to take place), OpenEdition and EDP Sciences, these proceedings are freely available in French and English.
Devoted to the transformations underway in the research and innovation ecosystem, the international event OSEC made it possible to address subjects such as the transparency of health research, the future of scientific publishing and the opening up of codes and software produced in a research context, but also the necessary transformations of research evaluation, synthesised in the Paris Call presented during the Conference, and calling for the creation of a coalition of actors committed to reforming the current system.
This Call, which extends the commitments of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), has now been concretised in the European Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment, presented at the Research & Innovation Days on 28 September, and should give rise to a CoARA, a specific Coalition on advancing research assessment.