Proceedings of the Paris open science conference – OSEC 2022
Octobre 2022
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For more than twenty years, the international research community has affirmed its support for open and collaborative practices that improve the quality, transparency, reproducibility and inclusiveness of science. In France, this orientation has been reflected in the adoption of two National Plans for Open Science, in 2018 and 2021.
In this context and on the occasion of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, France organised the Open Science European Conference (OSEC) on 4 and 5 February 2022. This conference on the transformation of the research and innovation ecosystem in Europe was an opportunity to address in particular transparency in health research, the future of scientific publishing and the opening of codes and software produced in a scientific context, but also the necessary transformations of research assessment, summarised in the Paris Call presented during the event and calling for the creation of a coalition of actors committed to reforming the current system.
This international event was organised was organised by the French Académie des sciences, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres), the National Research Agency (ANR), the University of Lorraine and the University of Nantes.
This volume, available in French and English, gathers the presentations of all the speakers of the conference. The original speeches held in English, French or
Spanish have been transcribed and translated into French and/or English.
Table of contents
Opening of the Conference
- First Inaugural Speech
- Second Inaugural Speech
- Third Inaugural Speech
- Fourth Inaugural Speech
- Fifth Inaugural Speech
Health Research Transparency
- Transparency of Health Research
- How Psychology deals with Open Science. Principles and practices
- Publication and reporting bias: a long history towards open science
- Concluding keynote: Opening and Transforming Biomedical Research
The future of scientific publishing
- Academic Publishing and Open Science – Where do we stand?
- New forms of publication. Why? How? How far?
- Academic Publishing and Latin America
- An Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
Research Assessment – First Session
- The Intersections between DORA, Open Scholarship and Equity
- Open Science Needs No Martyrs, but We Must Recognize the Need for Reform
- To What extend are Early Career Researchers the Harbingers of Change ?
Research Assessment – Second Session
- Research Assessment and Open Science in a Diverse World
- Open Science and Research Assessment. Trends and State of Play in Europe
- Making Room for Everyone’s Talent
- Open Science, Research Assessment and HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
- Round Table – Research Assessment
The Software Pillar of Open Science
- Building the Software Pillar of Open Science
- The role of Infrastructure for Software in Open Science
- Open Science, Publications and Code
- Policies to support Open Source and Open science
Open Science Awards Ceremony and Conclusions