Paris Open Science European Conference (OSEC)


The event was originally planned to be held at the Academy of Sciences. Due to the pandemic, it will be held entirely online, except for the speakers.

France is organising a major international event in the context of the French Presidency of the European Union:

Paris Open Science European Conference (OSEC)
On Friday 4th and Saturday 5th February 2022
at the French Academy of Sciences, Paris, France


This international conference is being organised with the strong support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the French Academy of Sciences, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS),the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres), the French National Research Agency (ANR), the University of Lorraine and the University of Nantes.

The main topics addressed during this conference come within the framework of the transformation of the research and innovation ecosystem in Europe. Particular attention will be given to transparency in health research, the necessary transformation of research evaluations, the future of scientific publishing, and the opening of codes and software produced in a scientific context.

Access the program and the  registration form

Date and Hour
04 February 2022 05 February 2022
Académie des sciences Paris, France


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