Open Science in the South


In Africa, the need to increase visibility is all the more acute as much high-quality research remains unrecognized because it is published in low-profile journals. As example, a recent study shows that less than half of African scientific journals are indexed in the international open database Crossref. These findings were widely shared at the second edition of the Open science in the south symposium held in Cotonou in October 2022, which led to the drafting of recommendations Open science: The essential standard for african research .

The third edition of the Open Science in the South “African scientific publishing we want” conference, to be held in Cape Town, will focus on the theme of African scientific publishing. Excitingly, this year’s edition will be held together with the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access. As with the two previous editions, the aim will be to take stock of publication practices among African scientists and the publishing ecosystem on the African continent, and to identify levers for improvement.

Le programme

Date and Hour
09 December 2024 11 December 2024
Cape Town, South Africa


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