Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Research Conference 2020 ANNULATION


We were very much looking forward to the OIS Research Conference 2020 in Geneva. Given the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the COVID-19-virus outbreak, however, we have come to the decision to postpone the conference. We are hoping to have the conference either in the fall of this year or the spring of 2021. We thank all the authors who submitted an abstract for their interest in presenting and discussing their work at the OIS Research Conference. We were impressed by the scope and quality of submissions and we look forward to interesting presentations and engaging discussions once the conference can be held. We will reach out with more information as soon as possible.

Call for Abstracts

The organizing committee of the OIS Research Conference 2020 at CERN IdeaSquare invites you to join the discussion about the role and value of open and collaborative approaches to generating and disseminating scientific research.

Our conference aims at discussing research on OIS, which includes investigating whether, how, and under which conditions applying open and collaborative practices along one or more stages of the scientific research process influences novelty, efficiency and/or impact of scientific research, taking a balanced view that recognizes important contingency factors on the individual, organizational and ecosystem-level.

If you would like to present your research at the conference, please submit an abstract of 250-500 words on your empirical or conceptual work to one of the following tacks:

Track 1: Open and collaborative approaches along the entire scientific research process. Possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and citizen science
  • open data sharing/re-use, OIS approaches to translating science into practice, science-industry relations, academic entrepreneurship

Track 2: Ecosystems and organizational designs facilitating open and collaborative research approaches. Possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • institutional factors
  • local and national policies
  • intellectual property and copyright supporting OIS
  • incentive systems for OIS

Track 3: Micro-foundations of open and collaborative research approaches. Possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • scientists’ motives for engaging in OIS,
  • skills and capabilities for OIS,
  • characteristics and motives of institutional entrepreneurs


Please submit your abstract via the Conference Submission system (click here).

Submission deadline is March 13, 2020 (23:59 pm).


Participating in the OIS Conference (including meals and social program) is free; travel and hotel expenses are not included (please see practicalities below).

Date et Heure
07 mai 2020 08 mai 2020
De 9h à 17h
CERN IdeaSquare, Meyrin
Genève, Suisse


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