In progress
Editorial content
Producing open access audio books
Based on OpenEdition’s strategy for a global open science, Quæ editions are increasing the accessibility of their editorial products by turning their audio books in open access.
Project in brief
Leading establishment
Éditions Quæ
Project duration
12 mois
45 000 €
Components of the projet
• Diversify the formats of Quæ’s publishing offer by extending it to new audiences
• Study the possibilities of dissemination for the innovative format of open access audio books (in line with Quæ’s commitment and strategy towards open access).
Major resuts
• Publication of Six audio books : Chroniques de la nature, 60 clés pour comprendre les huîtres, Gouverner la biodiversité, 40 idées fausses sur les requins, Les zoonoses and L’écologie de l’alimentation.