National Fund for Open Science

The French National Fund for Open Science is the financial instrument of the French Plan for Open Science. Its purpose is to bring a financial support for projects and initiatives leaning towards the development of open science. The general design is to develop an environment for science to be cumulative, supported by data, transparent, efficient and globally accessible. The Fund is financed through contributions from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and from French universities and research performing organisations. It can also receive contributions from associations and foundations.

For more details, see the FNSO activity report for the 2019-2021 period.

Call for projects Open scientific and scholarly publishing (3rd edition)
See the call for projects
You wish to contribute financially to the FNSO ?
Contact us

Our missions

  • Consolidating the national capacity regarding open access scientific publication, data management and propagation, and research software
  • Identifying and supporting international structuring initiatives for open science
  • Initiating themed calls for projects in order to fund innovative or structuring projects
  • Highlighting European and international feats
  • Creating an environment where research actors can integrate an open science policy to their activities


A scientific interest grouping (SIG)

The SIG FNSO bears the National Fund for Open Science.

It was founded by the convention of July 12th 2019, for a renewable mandate of 5 years.

A flexible, transparent and collaborative structure

The partners agreed on a flexible, transparent and collaborative structure, calling upon the will of each and every one to contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment for Open Science.

The partner’s council, made up of the Steering Committee for Open Science

The Steering Committee for Open Science makes up the SIG FNSO’s partners’ council. In this respect, the Steering Committee decides on the grouping’s policy and rules on projects and initiatives that the Fund supports.

Members of the partner’s Council

The State, represented by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research

The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)

France Universités

The Conference of Deans of French Schools of Engineering (CDEFI)

The Conference of Grandes Écoles


The French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)

The National Institute for Research in Digital and Technology (INRIA)

The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

The Unified Consortium of Higher Education and Research Organizations for Access to Digital Publications (Couperin)

The French National Agency for Research (ANR)


The blog
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 12/03/2025
“Open scientific scholarly publishing” In order to pursue its goal of structuring the ecosystem of open access edition, the FNSO[1]Created in 2019, the National Fund for Open Science (FNSO) is the national instrument of the National Plan for Open Science.…
illustration Fourth Call for Projects of the National Fund for Open Science
The Steering Committee for Open Science has selected 19 winning projects in the framework of the National Fund for Open Science’s third call for projects. This selection is made by an international deliberation committee. Infrastructures, distribution platforms and editorial content…
illustration The results of the National Fund for Open Science’s third call for projects promoting open scientific publication
See blog