International FAIR Convergence Symposium 2020 | EN LIGNE


The International FAIR Convergence Symposium will now take place as a fully virtual event in the week 30 November – 4 December. Please save the dates!

In order to facilitate the new approach, and in response to a number of enquiries, we have also extended the deadline for submissions of session proposals to 30 September and of posters and lightning talks to 31 October.

To ensure an engaging and dynamic event, with clear outcomes, the organisers now envision the Symposium as a series of online sessions, dispersed over one week to accommodate a range of timezones as best as possible.

The International FAIR Convergence Symposium is organised by CODATA and GO FAIR in the week of November 30 – December 4. This event will provide a unique forum for advancing international and cross-domain convergence around FAIR. The two internationally recognized organisations will convene a global community with an interest in combining data across domains for a host of research issues – including major global challenges, such as those relating to the SDGs or the COVID-19 pandemic. Outcomes will directly inform the CODATA Decadal Programme ‘Making data work for cross-domain grand challenges’ and the GO FAIR community’s convergence towards bottom-up development of the Internet of FAIR data and services globally.

The outcomes will address fundamental issues, such as an improved alignment with parallel and emerging data initiatives around the world and lessons learned during the current crisis (virus outbreak) in relation to international research data sharing and the role of FAIR.

The approach in many sessions will be detailed and technical, resulting in recommendations, consensus for action and draft implementations.

Participation is open to ALL researchers, data experts, funders, and science policy makers.

The recordins are available here.


Date et Heure
30 novembre 2020 04 décembre 2020
En ligne
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