La feuille de route donne un aperçu des six lignes d’action pour la mise en œuvre de l’European Open Science Cloud : architecture, données, services, accès et interfaces, règles et gouvernance. Pour ce dernier, elle présente un cadre et une structure.

Implementation Roadmap for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)


This Staff Working Document (SWD) presents the outcome of the exploration of appropriate governance and financing mechanisms for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in the form of a possible implementation Roadmap, as foreseen by the Communication on the ‘European Cloud Initiative'[1]COM(2016)178 final.(henceforth ‘the Communication’).[2] document also describes the measures taken under Horizon 2020 Work Programmes to start implementing the EOSC.

The implementation Roadmap draws upon the outcome of an extensive and conclusive consultation with scientific and institutional stakeholders in 2016 and 2017 and builds concretely on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020.[3]European Commission Decision C(2017)7124 of 27 October 2017.The consultation confirmed and upheld the intervention logic presented in the Communication, to create a fit for purpose pan-European federation of research data infrastructures, with a view to moving from the current fragmentation to a situation where data is easy to store, find, share and re-use. On this ground, this SWD sets out a comprehensive overview of the implementation of the EOSC, with possible action lines and timelines resulting from the consultation.

The document serves as a basis for further consultation with Member States, the European Parliament and other relevant stakeholders on the next steps to take. It will also help stakeholders to orient their future contributions to the initiative.


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