How European alliances help support and strengthen the rollout of Open Science
News from the Committee
The Committee for Open Science’s Europe and International College has produced a note (in French) to enhance French stakeholders’ understanding of the place of Open Science within European university alliances.
Since 2019 these alliances have been set up in the framework of responses to European calls for projects. There are now 44 European alliances which are beginning to structure their Open Science initiatives and projects particularly through the FOR EU LIB initiative.
The note includes recommendations intended to support French institutions involved in alliances, namely:
- Taking part in ongoing discussions within their community to establish clear roles for stakeholders;
- Relying on support from the Library Network and Open Science group set up by the FOR-EU European Alliances network to identify the challenges and requirements of professional communities in the area of open science;
- Identifying the objectives linked to Open Science in all the alliances with a French member institution;
- All the Committee for Open Science documentation and initiatives that respond to the objectives set out in the European Alliances’ Work Packages should be translated and made available to those European Alliances;
- Raising the awareness of and informing French institutions involved in Alliances;
- Communicate the keys to improving the conditions for the success of Open Science objectives to the political representatives of the French institutions belonging to European Alliances.

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News from the Committee
The Committee for Open Science’s Europe and International College has published a note (in French) to help French stakeholders respond to Horizon Europe calls for proposals. Horizon Europe is the European Union’s framework programme for research and innovation for the…