HAL’s Deposit Suggestion Service
Last June, the Centre for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD, Centre pour la communication scientifique directe) published a report about the Deposit Suggestion Service included in open archive HAL after six months of use.
“In six months, the deposit suggestion service has automatically enriched HAL with the full text of more than 8000 publications, identified by a DOI and already in open access. Life sciences and physics are the two most active disciplines so far.”
The principle of this service is based on the identification from the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of publications present in other open platforms. These publications are reported to their authors (HAL users) and, if validated they validate them then they are automatically imported into HAL.
This service is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in the framework of the Committee for Open Science, via the CorHAL project. It is part of the first path set out in the Second French Plan for Open Science which aims to generalise open access to publications. This service is also a major focus of the Equipex+ HALiance project.
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