Get started with Open Science

Open Science is the free dissemination of the results, methods and products of scientific research. It is based on the opportunity the digital transformation represents to help develop open access to publications and – as far as possible – to data, source codes and research methods.

Second French Plan for Open Science
Second French Plan for Open Science

Understand and implement

The Passport For Open Science is a guide designed to accompany PhD students at every step of their research career, whatever their disciplinary field. It provides a set of tools and good practices that can be directly implemented.

Find out in a different way

Nice stories

French monitor for Open Science

Measure the evolution of open science in France using reliable, open and controlled data

See monitor website

The glossary

The words and terms of Open Science

Is there a term you don’t understand in our documents and resources?

Consult the glossary
Open access +

Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an open archive or publication in an open access journal.

Personal data +

Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.

Green route +

The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The availability of an article may be delayed if an embargo is attached to it.

Gold route +

A journal is “gold” if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal’s website, regardless of how it is funded.

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