FAIR-IMPACT: French data repositories and their use of semantics


This hybrid event will be hosted by INRAE, Paris, France. It will take place the day before the Tripartite EOSC event, which will provide an overview of current developments in French Open Science.

The aim of this event is to present the work done in France on the national level. The different partners present at this event will show their work, skills, and tools developed thanks to FAIR-IMPACT and other related EOSC projects. The first part will be dedicated to OntoPortal technology that permits the usage of the semantic artefacts in data repositories (at discipline or institutional scale). The second part will consider (meta)data interoperability thanks to and with semantics. The last part will be dedicated to some tool demonstrations in the context of French use cases.

Date et Heure
11 septembre 2024 11 septembre 2024
Paris et en ligne


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