EOSC symposium
An integral part of the EOSC Stakeholder Forum
26-28 November 2019, Budapest, Hungary
Organised by EOSCsecretariat.eu in collaboration with the EOSC Executive Board, EOSC-hub, GEANT, OpenAIRE and PRACE
Registration will open soon
Conference - Paris, France
The annual Software Heritage Summit and Symposium provides a unique platform for academia, industry, and policymakers to discuss critical issues at the intersection of software, artificial intelligence, and society. This year’s Symposium focuses on four key themes: Cybersecurity and regulation…
Conference - The Hague, the Netherlands
The main theme of IDCC this year is Twenty years back, twenty years forward: lessons and directions in digital curation. The first International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) took place in 2005, one year after the launch of the Digital Curation Centre. The…