Adopted unanimously by the EU Member States, these Council conclusions call for joint action within the European Research Area in three issues: reform of research evaluation, capacity building for scientific publication and multilingualism.

Council conclusions on research assessment and implementation of open science

Research assessment and implementation of Open Science
European Union Council conclusions
General Secretariat of the Council
10 June 2022

The European Union Council (…)

ACKNOWLEDGES that in order to accelerate the implementation and the impact of Open Science policies and practices across Europe, action has to be taken to move towards a renewed approach to research assessment, including incentive and reward schemes, to put in place a European approach in accordance with the Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe, and strengthen capacities for academic publishing and scholarly communication of allresearch outputs, and encourage where appropriate, the use of multilingualism for the purpose of wider communication of European research results.


I. Reform of research assessment systems in Europe

II. European approach and capacities for academic publishing and scholarly

III. Development of multilingualism for European scholarly publications