Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)

Archives des Open Science - Ouvrir la Science

The Committee for Open Science - (30 November 2021)
The Committee for Open Science mobilises education and research stakeholders to support the implementation of National Open Science Policy in…
Research data - (25 November 2021)
Factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly…
Open archive - (25 November 2021)
Researchers deposit their work directly in thematic or institutional archives so that it can be consulted by all with no…
Embargo - (25 November 2021)
Period during which a scientific production cannot be disseminated in open access. In the case of state-funded scientific publications, the…
Distribution license - (25 November 2021)
The license defines the conditions for distribution and reuse of any scientific content (example: Creative Commons).
Reproducibility - (25 November 2021)
The capacity of another researcher to obtain the same results using the same methods and data. This highlights the importance…
Open access - (25 November 2021)
Unrestricted access with no authentication, embargo or payment required. This can be implemented in different ways like self-archiving in an…
APC (article processing charges) - (25 November 2021)
Charges for publishing immediately in open access which may be billed to the author (or his or her institution). See…
Article - (25 November 2021)
1 : preprint or author's version The version of an article sent to a journal by the authors prior to…
Personal data - (25 November 2021)
Data concerning an individual who is identified or identifiable.
Predatory publishers or journals - (25 November 2021)
Publishers or journals with dubious peer reviewing or business practices.
Data warehouse - (25 November 2021)
These may be multidisciplinary or thematic in one disciplinary field. In them, datasets are deposited, documented, and disseminated. A warehouse…
FAIR (principles) - (25 November 2021)
The aim of the FAIR principles is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Persistent identifier - (25 November 2021)
A unique stable reference for a digital object or subject such as a dataset, article or author.For example a digital…
French Law for a Digital Republic - (25 November 2021)
This 2016 law provides a legal framework for depositing certain versions of journal articles in open access repositories if at…
Metadata - (25 November 2021)
Information which enables the standardised description of data or digital documents (e.g. a digital photo's date and GPS coordinates). The…
Data Management Plan (DMP) - (25 November 2021)
An ongoing plan written at the start of a research project which sets out how the data will be managed…
Open access publication - (25 November 2021)
A journal or book that has been directly disseminated in open access. These books and journals have varied business models…
The legal framework defined by the European Union for the management of personal data. It may be consulted at:
Source code - (25 November 2021)
A set of statements or instructions comprising a computer programme in a programming language. Source code are generally presented in…
Diamond model - (25 November 2021)
The diamond model refers to a plurality of open access scientific publishing business models that do not involve authors, their…
Freemium model - (25 November 2021)
The freemium subscription model is an economic model, which key feature is the coexistence of free options, where functionality is…
Hybrid journals - (25 November 2021)
"Hybrid" journals are circulated by subscription while asking their authors to pay publication fees (also called APCs) so that their…
Subscribe-to-open (S2O) - (25 November 2021)
S2O allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers…
Bronze route - (25 November 2021)
A bronze journal article is one that is available on its publisher’s website but does not have an explicit open…
Gold route - (25 November 2021)
A journal is "gold" if all its articles are freely and immediately available on the journal's website, regardless of how…
Green route - (25 November 2021)
The green route refers to self-archiving by researchers or archiving by a third party of articles in open archives. The…
Transformative agreement - (25 November 2021)
The transformative agreements explicitly seek to organize the transition from the journal subscription model to that of open access, by…
The knowledge generated by scientists must be shared equally worldwide. Anton Balazh/Shutterstock To meet the challenges of the next century…
Scientists launch a balloon designed to measure ozone levels. NOAA/Unsplash Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find information about…
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover.…
Students wash their hands amid concerns over the Covid-19 coronavirus before taking a college university exam in Banda Aceh.Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP…
Kaique/Pexels Nineteen years ago, a group of international researchers met in Budapest to discuss a persistent problem. While experts published…
Network of Covid-19 projects on the JOGL platform. Marc Santolini/JOGL, Author provided All around the world, scientists and practitioners are…
The Committee for Open Science - (31 January 2019)
The mission of this committee is to propose the directions that Open Science should take and to teach the subjects…
Speech of Frédérique VIDAL - (30 January 2019)