
News from the Committee  Le 30/01/2025
illustration Publication of the 2024 French Open Science Monitor: increased sharing of research data but less communication of clinical trial results
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) publishes the results of the French Open Science Monitor for 2024. For the sixth consecutive year, it measures the rate of French research publications in open access. Since the 2022 edition, it…
News from the Committee  Le 20/12/2024
illustration Strong support for open science from higher education and research institutions in France
The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) has published the results of a survey among higher education and research institutions on their open science policies.  The survey was led by the Committee for Open Science and was carried…
News from the Committee  Le 30/01/2025
illustration Publication of the 2024 French Open Science Monitor: increased sharing of research data but less communication of clinical trial results
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) publishes the results of the French Open Science Monitor for 2024. For the sixth consecutive year, it measures the rate of French research publications in open access. Since the 2022 edition, it…
News from the Committee  Le 20/12/2024
illustration Strong support for open science from higher education and research institutions in France
The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) has published the results of a survey among higher education and research institutions on their open science policies.  The survey was led by the Committee for Open Science and was carried…
News from the Committee  Le 10/12/2024
illustration Open Science Research Data Awards
In 2024 the Ministry of Higher Education and Research’s ‘Open Science Research Data’ Awards were distributed for the third time. This initiative is part of the Second French Plan for Open Science and rewards researchers, projects and research teams that…
News from the Committee  Le 06/12/2024
illustration Presentation of the 2024 Open Science Free Research Software Awards
The winners of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research’s second Open Science Free Research Software Awards have been announced. Eight software applications developed by French teams were rewarded for their contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge or for their promising…
News from the Committee  Le 07/11/2024
illustration First Open Science Awards Ceremony for PhD Thesis
For the first time, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) has awarded the Open Science PhD thesis prizes. This prize complements the open science prizes already in place for research data and open access research software. As…
Watch  Le 31/10/2024
illustration HAL’s Deposit Suggestion Service
Last June, the Centre for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD, Centre pour la communication scientifique directe) published a report about the Deposit Suggestion Service included in open archive HAL after six months of use. “In six months, the deposit suggestion service…
News from the Committee  Le 21/10/2024
illustration Excessive growth in the number of scientific publications
In this post, Benoît Pier (CNRS Research Director at the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics – LMFA) and Laurent Romary (Research Director, Inria) write about the recent increase in the number of scientific publications and its effect on scientific…
News from the Committee  Le 07/10/2024
illustration Wikimedia residencies in higher education and research institutions
In 2023-2024, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) has supported three Wikimedia residencies[1]A Wikimedia residency is a partnership between Wikimedia and a cultural, educational or scientific institution, during which a Wikimedia contributor works on site to improve…
News from the Committee  Le 03/10/2024
illustration Appointment of Daniel Le Berre as the National coordinator for Higher Education and Research Software Forges in France
The French National Chief Data and Software Officer for Higher Education and Research ministry has appointed Daniel Le Berre as the national contact for the forges of Higher Education and Research, on 20 may 2024. Daniel Le Berre is professor…
Watch  Le 27/09/2024
illustration UNESCO has launched a worldwide consultation on diamond open access (without publication fees)
On September 20th, UNESCO launched a survey to collect ideas and suggestions on how to set up a global collaborative mechanism for Diamond Open Access. The survey is part of the global consultation process on Diamond Open Access announced on…
News from the Committee  Le 20/06/2024
illustration Research Data Alliance and Software Heritage supported by SCOSS in the 5th funding round
The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research was delighted to learn that the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and Software Heritage were the winning infrastructures in the 5th call for SCOSS funding. Since the first National Plan for Open Science,…
News from the Committee  Le 17/06/2024
illustration UNESCO’s call for inputs on draft principles of open science monitoring
Following the international workshop Building an Open Science Monitoring Framework with Open Technologies held in December 2023 at UNESCO, and the recently launched Open Science Monitoring Initiative (OSMI), led by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the University of…
News from the Committee  Le 10/06/2024
illustration Creation of the French national chapter of COARA, the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment
The international initiative CoARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment) was launched at the end of 2022, following on from the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and, more specifically, the Paris Call on Research Assessment. This call was presented…
News from the Committee  Le 03/06/2024
illustration Publication of the report “Software Pillar of Open Science”
The Software pillar of open science workshop, organised by the Software and Source Codes college of the French Committee for Open Science, took place at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research on November 29th, 2023. The highlights from…
Watch  Le 30/05/2024
illustration The Open Science Prize in Mathematics
At the start of this year, the Jean-Pierre Demailly Prize for Open Science in Mathematics was created by the  French Mathematical Society (SMF), the Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SMAI) and the French Statistical Society (SFdS) in collaboration with…
Watch  Le 28/05/2024
illustration Job announcement – Project Manager for the Global Research Initiative on Open Science (GRIOS)
Following the last April proposal by France to develop the Global Research Initiative on Open Science (GRIOS), the recruitment of its project manager has just been launched. The recruited person will work at the European Science Foundation (ESF), a non-profit…
Watch  Le 23/05/2024
illustration The Inria has launched a new MOOC on reproducible research supported by the National Fund for Open Science 
Following the success of the ‘Reproducible research: methodological principles for transparent science‘ MOOC, the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria) has published a new course entitled ‘Reproducible research II: Practices and tools for managing computations and data‘…
News from the Committee  Le 30/04/2024
illustration A strong open science presence at the ministerial meeting of the OECD’s Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy
On April 23rd and 24th, the OECD organised a ministerial meeting on science and technology policies at its Paris headquarters chaired by Sylvie Retailleau, the French Minister for Higher Education and Research.  A multi-stakeholder dialogue preceded the meeting and involved…
News from the Committee  Le 30/04/2024
illustration Global Research Initiative on Open Science : Publication of a French proposal to strengthen evidence based open science policies
The lack of a detailed understanding of the complexity of open science is an obstacle to the development of  public policies targeted to encouraging  its progress. The Global Research Initiative on Open Science (GRIOS), proposed by France, aims to fill…
News from the Committee  Le 20/04/2024
illustration The Open Science Committee’s meeting on the national policy for open science
The members of the Permanent Secretariat for Open Science (SPSO[1]The Permanent Secretariat is led by the National Coordinator for Open Science and is responsible for preparing the Steering Committee for Open Science’s work and ensuring conclusions are implemented. It coordinates…
News from the Committee  Le 19/04/2024
illustration Release of the Open Science Monitoring Initiative website and worldwide consultation for the Principles of Open Science Monitoring
The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Université de Lorraine and Inria have officially launched on the 17th of April 2024 the official website of the Open Science Monitoring Initiative, dedicated to encourage the adoption of open science monitoring…
News from the Committee  Le 16/04/2024
illustration The French Committee for Open Science is a signatory to the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information
The signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information commit to taking a lead in transforming the way research information [1]By research information we mean information (sometimes referred to as metadata) relating to the conduct and communication of research.…
Watch  Le 13/04/2024
illustration How to develop reproducibility in research
Knowledge Exchange has published a report on research reproducibility – ‘Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research organisations’. This report identifies how to develop reproducibility in research organisations in the context of Open Science and also provides a ‘guide’ to…
News from the Committee  Le 05/04/2024
illustration Research data: How to choose a repository
The Committee for Open Science‘s Research Data College has published a new methodological note intended to help scientific communities choose the right repository for opening or sharing their data. The note is based on the 8 description criteria and 7…
Watch  Le 26/03/2024
illustration Reformscape: working towards responsible assessment practices
DORA has launched Reformscape, in the framework of its Tools to Advance Research Assessment (TARA) project. This new tool provides an inventory of assessment initiatives implemented by research institutions around the world. The aim of this new initiative is to…
News from the Committee  Le 01/03/2024
illustration The Passport to Open Science collection gets even richer!
A new resource dedicated to research data can now be found among the guides and thematic booklets in the Passport for Open Science collection. This guide provides an introduction to the principles of data management and data dissemination, for all disciplines. This new Research Data guide…
News from the Committee  Le 29/02/2024
illustration A new issue of the French Open Science Monitor
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research publishes the results of the French Open Science Monitor for 2023 which measures the rate of French scientific publications in open access.Thanks to an innovative methodology, the Monitor has been enriched – since…
Watch  Le 15/02/2024
illustration French Ministry of Higher Education and Research partners with OpenAlex to develop a fully open bibliographic tool
Last December, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) established a multi-year partnership with OpenAlex. The partnership project between MESR and OpenAlex, part of the Second National Plan for Open Science from 2021, underlines the importance for France…
Watch  Le 01/02/2024
illustration The CWTS has published the open version of its 2023 rankings
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) has published the open version of the Leiden Ranking. The CWTS has worked in collaboration with the Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative (COKI), Sesame Open Science and OurResearch to reconstruct the Leiden Ranking…
Watch  Le 25/01/2024
illustration ‘Building an Open Science Monitoring Framework with open technologies’ : UNESCO workshop  – 19/12/23
The worldwide development of public policies promoting open science implies that indicators need to be produced to allow their monitoring. The objective to reach is to enable the measurement of the scientific production openness, as well as its impact on…
Watch  Le 18/12/2023
illustration UNESCO has published a report assessing the open science situation
UNESCO has published a new report – Open Science Outlook 1: Status and Trends Around the World. This assessment of the state of open science worldwide follows on from the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in 2021. “While the findings…
Watch  Le 01/12/2023
illustration Fifth SCOSS call for funding
The SCOSS (Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services) coalition is launching its fifth call for funding for two new services: Research Data Alliance (RDA): an international organisation which functions thanks to contributions from its members. RDA develops infrastructure and…
News from the Committee  Le 30/11/2023
The winners of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research’s second Open Science Free Research Software Awards have been announced. Eight software applications developed by French teams were rewarded for their contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge or for…
News from the Committee  Le 30/11/2023
In 2023, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research presented the second Open Science Awards for Research Data. This initiative is part of the second National Plan for Open Science and highlights the work of young researchers, projects and research…
News from the Committee  Le 27/11/2023
illustration The disciplinary DoRANum project – research data teaching resources developed with and for scientists
The project working on disciplinary resources for DoRANum ran from 2021 to 2023 and led to the development of 13 learning paths covering a broad range of disciplines from linguistics to bioinformatics and law. 8 of these paths can already…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 24/11/2023
illustration The results of the National Fund for Open Science’s third call for projects promoting open scientific publication
The Steering Committee for Open Science has selected 19 winning projects in the framework of the National Fund for Open Science’s third call for projects. This selection is made by an international deliberation committee. Infrastructures, distribution platforms and editorial content…
News from the Committee  Le 18/11/2023
illustration Research data – how to choose a trusted repository 
The Committee for Open Science’s Research Data College has proposed a methodology to help members of scientific communities select a repository for opening or sharing their data. The methodology is based on a list of 8 description criteria (disciplinary field,…
News from the Committee  Le 16/10/2023
illustration Open science booklet for unit directors 
The Committee for Open Science’s Skills and Training College has published a booklet for unit directors. This follows on from the Passport for Open Science for doctoral students and the Guide for doctoral schools. The College is pursuing its efforts…
News from the Committee  Le 10/10/2023
illustration Source code and software and Join the debate , the thematic booklets from the Passport for Open Science collection, are now available.
The  Source code and software and Join the debate booklets are now available. These two booklets are an extension of the Passport to Open Science. They are part of a collection, which aims to raise awareness of open science among…
Watch  Le 09/10/2023
illustration The Leiden Ranking will be the first to use open data as a criterion to support the adoption of Open Science principles 
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) publishes the Leiden Ranking of universities and plans to launch a new ranking in 2024 that is entirely based on open data. On September 7th, Ludo Waltman, the deputy director of the…
News from the Committee  Le 04/10/2023
illustration Data in participatory research
The Committee for Open Science’s Research Data College has published a report presenting its 15 recommendations for researchers who want to launch a participatory research project. The report highlights a number of points requiring attention and also suggests possible methodological…
Watch  Le 02/10/2023
illustration Alternative scientific publication platforms 
Knowledge Exchange has published a report on alternative scientific publication platforms. This is the product of work by a dedicated working group on the subject which started at the beginning of 2022. The group initially published a framework document and…
News from the Committee  Le 19/09/2023
illustration The English version of the report on French Higher Education and Research’s software forges is published
Higher Education and Research Forges in France – Definition, uses, limitations encountered and needs analysis is a guide to software forges in French Higher Education and Research establishments which describes their uses, limitations and future requirements. This guide was produced…
Watch  Le 18/09/2023
illustration New version of the ‘Open Science’ MOOC 
20The Sorbonne University Alliance’s ‘Open Science’ MOOC now offers videos, computer graphics, exercises and texts on the subject of scientific integrity. The course duration remains unchanged at 8 hours and gives students the opportunity to obtain a training certificate. As…
Watch  Le 13/09/2023
illustration Data from the Retraction Watch database is now more widely accessible 
The Center for Scientific Integrity (CSI) and Crossref have come to an agreement to make the Retraction Watch database an open access public resource. The aim of this agreement is to combine, publicly distribute and provide access to data on…
News from the Committee  Le 31/08/2023
illustration CoARA’s first working groups 
The Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) has announced that it has set up its first Working Groups and National Chapters. This positive development results from a call made to Coalition members last March. The aim is to promote exchanges…
News from the Committee  Le 13/07/2023
illustration Recherche Data Gouv is a year old 
On July 8th 2022, the French Higher Education and Research Minister launched Recherche Data Gouv, its ecosystem for sharing and opening up research data. The first year of existence of this ecosystem has seen the structuring of data support services.…
News from the Committee  Le 28/06/2023
illustration The difficulties involved in sharing clinical trial data 
Several members of the Committee for Open Science’s Clinical trial data sharing statement project have co-authored an article to support the implementation of data sharing. ‘Ten (not so) simple rules for clinical trial data-sharing’ sets outs 10 rules covering the…
News from the Committee  Le 22/06/2023
illustration Which are the ways for a direct support of open access Diamond journals ?
The project The socioeconomics of scientific publication of the French Committee for Open Science has published a study on Diamond open access journals business models. The aim of this study is to test the feasibility, and also the desirability, of…
News from the Committee  Le 21/06/2023
illustration Our propositions for Open Research Europe
The French National Open Science Coordinator has addressed a letter to Michael Arentoft, head of Open Science and Research Infrastructures unit to support the Open Research Europe (ORE) initiative, welcome the recent independent report entitled Operationalising Open Research Europe as…
News from the Committee  Le 13/06/2023
illustration CRUSOE: self-assessment and preparation for CoreTrustSeal certification for data repositories 
CRUSOE supports data repository management personnel in the certification process to obtain a trusted data repository label. The tool is based on the CoreTrustSeal procedure. Version management means users can work collectively and progressively and the tool also enables the…
News from the Committee  Le 12/06/2023
illustration Follow the guides 
For several years now, the Committee for Open Science’s colleges have been providing general and more specific resources to help understand the challenges of open science and provide practical solutions for PhD students, researchers and support staff. A fun, educational…
Watch  Le 02/06/2023
illustration UNESCO Chair on Open Science
The Canadian Commission for UNESCO has announced the appointment of Vincent Larivière to the first UNESCO Chair on Open Science. The Chair’s research will help advance the understanding of open science in all its forms and of the impact of…
Watch  Le 01/06/2023
illustration The Council of the European Union has called for transparent, equitable and open access to scholarly publications
The Council of the European Union has adopted conclusions calling for scientific publishing to be transparent and of high quality, with immediate and unrestricted open access for all. It also stresses that scientific publishing supports the essential principles of academic…
News from the Committee  Le 01/06/2023
illustration A partnership to reinforce the links between Wikipedia and French higher education and research in an open science context
In the framework of the implementation of the National Plan for Open Science, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) and Wikimedia France have set up a partnership to encourage the scientific community and students to contribute to…
Watch  Le 15/05/2023
illustration G7 Science and Technology Ministers commit to open science
The G7 supports open science and identifies three priorities: open science infrastructures, research evaluation reform, and research on research to develop open science policies based on research results. The G7 Science and Technology Ministers met from 12 to 14 May…
News from the Committee  Le 02/05/2023
illustration The National Fund for Open Science is providing international infrastructures with long-term support
The National Fund for Open Science (FNSO) is providing financial support to four international infrastructures selected by the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) in the framework of its funding campaigns. France has thus renewed its commitment to…
Watch  Le 21/04/2023
illustration Research on Open Science practices and issues 
Research on Open Science practices and issues  The French National Research Agency (ANR) is launching a call for expressions of interest entitled ‘Research on open science practices and issues’ This call for expressions of interest invites researchers to engage in…
News from the Committee  Le 20/04/2023
illustration Participatory research and Open Science: the challenges 
The Committee for Open Science’s Research Data College has carried out a survey (in French) of the management and openness of data produced in the framework of participatory research.  This survey was carried out between November 28th 2021 and January…
Watch  Le 14/04/2023
The network of the French research funding agencies ADEME, ANR, ANRS-MIE, Anses and INCa have published an Open Science roadmap in the framework of their ongoing shared policy for Open Science. The agencies have committed to: Promoting immediate open access.…
Watch  Le 14/04/2023
illustration A national survey to find out more about and recognise software production 
In the research process, software is closely linked to publications and data and is one of the pillars of scientific knowledge production. It is designed, maintained and used by research teams, sometimes internationally, and can both result from and facilitate…
Watch  Le 05/04/2023
illustration DIAMAS: a survey of the Diamond open access institutional publishing landscape 
The DIAMAS Project is running a survey to obtain a cartography of current institutional publishing. The information collected by the survey will be used to produce outputs and tools that tangibly support institutional publishers. DIAMAS will create a directory of…
News from the Committee  Le 03/04/2023
illustration Applications for the 2023 Open Science Award for Open Source Research Software are now open! 
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Committee for Open Science are pleased to announce that candidates can now apply for the 2023 Open Science Research Award. Applications are open until May 15th 2023 at midday. To apply:…
News from the Committee  Le 31/03/2023
illustration How European alliances help support and strengthen the rollout of Open Science 
The Committee for Open Science’s Europe and International College has produced a note (in French) to enhance French stakeholders’ understanding of the place of Open Science within European university alliances. Since 2019 these alliances have been set up in the…
News from the Committee  Le 31/03/2023
illustration Encouraging French stakeholders to respond to Horizon Europe calls for Open Science proposals
The Committee for Open Science’s Europe and International College has published a note (in French) to help French stakeholders respond to Horizon Europe calls for proposals. Horizon Europe is the European Union’s framework programme for research and innovation for the…
News from the Committee  Le 28/03/2023
illustration The French Open Science Monitor 2022: 67% of publications in open access and new indicators for research data and codes and software
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research publishes the results of the French Open Science Monitor for 2022. The rate of French scientific publications in open access has increased for the fourth consecutive year. Thanks to an innovative methodology, the…
Watch  Le 27/03/2023
On March 8th and 9th, the Institut Pasteur organised a seminar on the reproducibility of research. The aims of this conference were to make an initial inventory of the state of current research reproducibility in France, discuss a national form…
News from the Committee  Le 20/03/2023
illustration A series of videos based on the Passport for Open Science
The series of videos based on the practical guide Passport for Open Science is now available on Canal U. It offers researchers an introductory journey into the world of open science. The characters in the Passport for Open Science come…
News from the Committee  Le 17/03/2023
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research wishes to develop and recognise the skills and activities of researchers, academics, research support staff and administrative personnel in the management, preservation, circulation and sharing of data. Producing, preparing, crossing, using, analysing, sharing…
Watch  Le 13/03/2023
The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has announced new actions to drive open and equitable research. These particularly include new funding, an improved research infrastructure, more opportunities for young researchers and increased opportunities for public involvement.…
News from the Committee  Le 23/02/2023
illustration Publication of a guide to the application of the Law for a Digital Republic as regards research data
The French Committee for Open Science has published a guide that presents and explains the different provisions on opening research data set out in the 2016 Law for a Digital Republic. Article 6 of the Law for a Digital Republic…
News from the Committee  Le 30/01/2023
The outputs of the Electronic Laboratory Notebooks working group were first published in French in 2022 and are now available in English. These provide criteria and recommendations for choosing and implementing a solution adapted to the context of use. The…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 20/01/2023
illustration Publication of the French National Fund for Open Science’s activity report
The French National Fund for Open Science’s first activity report provides a summary of the work carried out over the 2019-2021 period covered by the first National Plan for Open Science. The National Fund for Open Science (FNSO) set up…
News from the Committee  Le 04/01/2023
illustration How much do APCs cost French research institutions?
The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research publishes a study that quantifies the costs generated by article processing charges for French research institutions since 2013 and predicts their evolution by 2030. The Retrospective and prospective study of the evolution…
News from the Committee  Le 13/12/2022
illustration Data Management Clusters: the ecosystem is growing
Eleven applications were received in the framework of the second call for expressions of interest in ‘Data Management Clusters’ with six being selected. Four of these received labelling with the other two said to be “on the path to being…
News from the Committee  Le 02/12/2022
The Mettre en œuvre la stratégie de non-cession des droits sur les publications scientifiques a tool for researchers is now also available in English : Implementing the rights retention strategy for scientific publications. The rights retention strategy is part of France’s…
Watch  Le 29/11/2022
illustration The fourth call for SCOSS funding
The SCOSS (Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services) coalition has launched its fourth call for funding for three new services: Dryad – an infrastructure for data related to the scientific literature in all fields that do not have their…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 16/11/2022
illustration The National Fund for Open Science (FNSO) launches its call for projects on open scientific and scholarly publishing
The call for projects is open until February 22, 2023. It benefits from a co-funding from the French National Research Agency on projects that fall under the diamond publishing model. The call for projects is aimed at research infrastructures included…
News from the Committee  Le 04/11/2022
illustration Research software as a pillar of open science
In February 2022, the Committee for Open Science created the Source Codes and Softwares College from the “Free and Open Source Software” group, acknowledging the consideration of software at the same level as publications and data, to which it is…
Watch  Le 25/10/2022
Science Europe has published a policy paper called “Open Science As Part of a Well-Functioning Research System” which presents three commitments to enable open science to progress further in Europe and worldwide. Science Europe uses its members’ policies and achievements…
Watch  Le 24/10/2022
illustration CoARA: a coalition promoting change in research evaluation
The ‘Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment’ (CoARA) will be set up by the end of 2022. It is intended to be an inclusive and collaborative space providing a platform for pilot schemes and experiments to develop new methods and tools…
News from the Committee  Le 24/10/2022
illustration The Passport for Open Science collection has been enriched
Since 2020, the Passport for Open Science has been supporting young researchers in putting Open Science into practice. It is now in the form of a collection following the publication of two new guides – Codes et logiciels (Codes and…
News from the Committee  Le 21/10/2022
illustration ‘Décliner la science ouverte’ (Presenting All the Facets of Open Science)
A field survey of research professionals was the basis for the ‘Décliner la science ouverte’ (Presenting All the Facets of Open Science) study that analyses practices associated with data (differentiated according to research communities and contexts) and then devises guidelines…
News from the Committee  Le 13/10/2022
illustration Publication of the proceedings of the European Open Science Conference
The proceedings of the Open Science European Conference (OSEC 2022), which were held in Paris and online on 4 and 5 February as part of the French Presidency of the European Union, are now available online. On the occasion of…
News from the Committee  Le 12/10/2022
illustration DOAPR : a new directory for preprints servers
The Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD) and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) announced on 5 October 2022 the launch of a directory of preprint servers: DOAPR, Directory of Open Access Preprint Repositories, designed to guide researchers…
News from the Committee  Le 08/09/2022
illustration The Open Science Research Data Awards
For the first year, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research will be awarding the Open Science Research Data Awards. These awards highlight projects, teams and young researchers committed to best practices in the management, dissemination and reuse of research…
Watch  Le 08/09/2022
illustration The Council of the European Union in favour of open science
The Council’s conclusions on research evaluation and the implementation of open science proposed by the French Presidency of the European Union were unanimously adopted by EU Member States at a meeting chaired by Sylvie Retailleau, the French Minister for Higher…
News from the Committee  Le 08/09/2022
illustration The rights retention strategy: user’s instructions
The Mettre en œuvre la stratégie de non-cession des droits sur les publications scientifiques (Implementing the rights retention strategy for scientific publications) guide is a tool for researchers developed by the Committee for Open Science’s Publications College. This approach paves…
Watch  Le 05/08/2022
The world is currently faced with a new infectious epidemic while continuing to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. Research representatives from 19 states around the world and from the European Commission have co-signed an international call for immediate open access to…
News from the Committee  Le 08/07/2022
illustration French Minister of Higher Education and Research inaugurates Recherche Data Gouv
On July 8th 2022, French Minister of Higher Education and Research Sylvie Retailleau inaugurated Recherche Data Gouv, an ecosystem for sharing and opening research data. An ecosystem to promote the potential of research data Despite their high potential for knowledge…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 24/06/2022
illustration The French National Fund for Open Science is supporting Ukrainian scientific publishing
The French National Open Science Fund is contributing to the “Supporting Ukrainian Editorial Staff” campaign to preserve scientific publishing capacity in Ukraine. ‘Supporting Ukrainian Editorial Staff‘ (SUES) is a fundraising campaign to support Ukrainian scientific publishing. Over 1000 academic journals…
Watch  Le 06/05/2022
illustration Alternative Publishing Platforms
Are you confused by all the ‘alternative’ scholarly publishing platforms that have emerged over recent years? A Knowledge Exchange working group has examined this issue and has produced a framework document that should guide the work of the coming months.…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 07/04/2022
illustration The French National Fund for Open Science is continuing to support international open science infrastructures
The French National Fund for Open Science (FNSO) is providing financial support for three international infrastructures chosen by SCOSS – The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services – in the framework of its funding campaigns. Following on from the…
News from the Committee  Le 16/03/2022
illustration A look back at the European Open Science Conference now online
The presentations and videos of the OSEC 2022 conference held in Paris on 4 and 5 February, are available from the OSEC 2022 website. Opened by Frédérique Vidal, French Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the European Open Science…
News from the Committee  Le 07/02/2022
illustration Open Science Awards for Open Source Research Software
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation is presenting the first Open Science Awards for Open Source Research Software. Ten software applications developed by French teams are rewarded for their contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge. As part…
News from the Committee  Le 28/01/2022
illustration The French Open Science Monitor has been given a makeover
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has launched a renewed and greatly enriched version of the French Open Science Monitor featuring a new section on health research. On this occasion, a ‘Flash Note‘ from the MESRI’s Sub-directorate for…
News from the Committee  Le 10/01/2022
illustration OSEC: Paris Open Science European Conference
In the framework of the French presidency of the European Union, France is organising the ‘Paris Open Science European Conference” which will take place online on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th February 2022. This international conference is being organised with…
News from the Committee  Le 10/12/2021
As set out in the Second National Plan for Open Science, the Open Science Research Data Award’s aim is to highlight projects, teams and young researchers carrying out exemplary work in research data management and for research projects relying on…
News from the Committee  Le 06/12/2021
At the end of its General Conference on November 24th 2021, UNESCO adopted a Recommendation on Open Science. The text obtained a broad consensus among Member States and through this Recommendation UNESCO has included open science in the humanist values…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 29/11/2021
The Steering Committee for Open Science has selected 26 winners in the framework of the National Fund for Open Science’s (FNSO) second call for projects in favour of open scientific publication and publishing. Overall support of €2.2 million is being…
News from the Committee  Le 11/10/2021
The French Open Science Monitor was created in 2019 in the framework of the National Plan for Open Science. It was the first step towards setting up indicators to assess the progress of open science in France. It consists of…
News from the Committee  Le 11/10/2021
The Open Science Research Data and Open Science Free Software awards were part of the second National Plan for Open Science announced by the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation on July 6th 2021. They are intended to reward…
News from the Committee  Le 11/10/2021
The Open Science Research Data and Open Science Free Software awards were part of the second National Plan for Open Science announced by the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation on July 6th 2021. They are intended to reward…
News from the Committee  Le 08/10/2021
illustration Second National Plan for Open Science | 2021-2024
France has adopted a Second National Plan for Open Science which extends, reinforces and renews the actions carried out during the three years of the first plan. It sets out renewed commitments to build a science that is more robustly…
News from the Committee  Le 24/09/2021
illustration Let’s work together to build a healthy Open Science ecosystem!
The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS), a part of SPARC Europe, has successfully supported two pledging rounds for Open Science Infrastructures (OSIs) helping them secure a sustainable future. To date, SCOSS has facilitated reaching over 3.3 m…
News from the Committee  Le 15/09/2021
The issue of data is a strategic subject and was the subject of a report commissioned by the French Prime Minister. ‘Pour une politique publique de la donnée’ (For a public policy on data) was written by the MP Eric Bothorel…
News from the Committee  Le 15/09/2021
Recherche Data Gouv: a national federated research data platform will be available in the first quarter of 2022 as the Minister announced on the occasion of the launch of the Second National Plan for Open Science. To respond to the…
News from the Committee  Le 08/07/2021
Article written by Camille Maumet with contributions from all the members of GPLO, the Committee for Open Science’s ‘free and open source software group’. In November 2018, the Committee for Open Science set up a ‘free and open source software…
News from the Committee  Le 23/06/2021
Article written by Romain Féret, member of the Committee for Open Science’s Research Data College. The Research Data College has set up a working group on the link between publications and research data. The aim is to contribute to the…
News from the Committee  Le 04/06/2021
This is another tangible step forward for immediate open access to scientific publications The no-transfer of rights strategy was initiated in July 2020 by cOAlition S and represents another step towards full and immediate open access to publicly funded scientific…
News from the Committee  Le 26/05/2021
The “Copyright” working group has just updated its Recommendations and legal aspects related to the creation and dissemination of a scientific journal [1]Recommandations et aspects juridiques relatifs à la création et la diffusion d’une revue scientifique which is accessible on…
News from the Committee  Le 25/05/2021
Two new working groups have been set up within the Committee for Open Science. These are disciplinary groups in health, a field of research which presents specific challenges for open science in the visibility of studies and trials and in…
News from the Committee  Le 11/05/2021
Article by Pierre Mounier [1]Pierre Mounier is also the coordinator of the OPERAS project, associate director of OpenEdition and co-director of the DOAB., a contributor to the study and co-leader of the Committee for Open Science’s European and International College.…
News from the Committee  Le 10/05/2021
The third study by the Committee for Open Science’s “Generic Simple Data Hosting and Dissemination Service” group is now online. This study assesses different scenarios and levels of functional ambition for the creation of a national generic data service. The…
News from the Committee  Le 03/05/2021
Blog post written by Quentin Dufour, David Pontille and Didier Torny, Project “Socio-Economics of Academic Publications”, The Committee for Open Science. The study Contracting in the Age of Open Access Publications. A systematic analysis of Transformative Agreements focuses on a…
News from the Committee  Le 20/04/2021
On March 4th, the Parliamentary Office for Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Options (OPECST) adopted the report Promouvoir et protéger une culture partagée de l’intégrité scientifique (Promoting and protecting a shared culture of scientific integrity). The OPECST had been asked…
News from the Committee  Le 12/04/2021
The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) has made the first document in France officially presenting the EOSC available. There is also an English version. The EOSC is defined as: a portal providing European researchers with access…
News from the Committee  Le 22/02/2021
Since its creation the Free and Open Source Software Project Group has studied the many issues linked to software and opening source codes within French Higher Education and Research (ESR). This work led to the publication in 2019 of the…
News from the Committee  Le 19/02/2021
In a statement, France commented on the first draft recommendation on open science published by UNESCO in October 2020. We wished to thank UNESCO for the high quality of this far-reaching document. We suggested, however, a number of directions where…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 27/01/2021
Published on January 27, 2021 One of the measures taken for the first topic of “Generalising open access to publications” of the National Plan for Open Science was the creation of an open science fund. The aim of this fund…
News from the Committee  Le 24/01/2021
illustration 2020 Barometer of Open Science: 56% of French publications are in open access
The third Flash Note from the French Barometer of Open Science (BSO) has just been published by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. 56% of French publications in 2019 (measured in 2020) were in open access which corresponds…
News from the Committee  Le 23/01/2021
Article 30 of the Law for a Digital Republic and the forthcoming implementation of Plan S have increased the need for French publishers of scientific journals to precisely define their policies regarding the dissemination of articles published in their journals…
News from the Committee  Le 22/01/2021
The working group had made two model contracts for periodicals available in July and is now adding a model contract for collective works. All three of these contracts are also available in English. These models are freely adaptable and are…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 04/12/2020
The Steering Committee for Open Science selected 22 projects on the basis of an international jury’s conclusions in the first call for projects by the National Fund for Open Science (FNSO). Overall funding of 2,675,000 euros will be provided for…
News from the Committee  Le 04/12/2020
illustration A new open journal in French on artificial intelligence
In spring 2019 the Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle was sold and its editorial committee resigned. Subsequently members of the committee worked to create a new journal whose publication criteria comply with their values and scientific ethics. The publication model underpinning the…
News from the Committee  Le 17/11/2020
Are you starting your thesis or working as an apprentice researcher? Perhaps you have heard about open science but have not yet explored the subject fully or have only just started to do so? The Passport for Open Science is…
Watch  Le 07/10/2020
illustration Knowledge Exchange: futures in Open Science
Knowledge Exchange (KE) is an original entity both prospective and pragmatic in its approach to Open Science, aka Open Scholarship in the organization’s language. KE includes six European organizations closely linked to operating, supporting or servicing higher education and research…
News from the Committee  Le 03/08/2020
UNESCO has launched a global consultation aimed at formulating a single Recommendation on Open Science and establish standards which will be recognized worldwide and can guide legal and policy frameworks at institutional and state levels. The French contribution stresses the…
News from the Committee  Le 06/07/2020
Five French Research Funding Agencies affirm their commitment to open science in a declaration signed on 29 June 2020. The National Research Agency (ANR), the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (Anses), the National Cancer Institute (INCa),…
News from the Committee  Le 27/05/2020
UNESCO is developing a recommendation on Open Science. The roadmap is available online. The European and International College of the Open Science Committee has been working on a background paper to help the scientific community respond to the survey. This…
Watch  Le 22/05/2020
The European Commission launched a European data platform on COVID-19 in collaboration with several partners on April 20th to enable the rapid collection and sharing of available research data. Sharing and opening up this data will help accelerate research and…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 20/04/2020
Message of April 20, 2020 In view of the current health situation concerning COVID-19, the closing date of the FNSO call for projects is postponed by on June 02, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. CET (UTC+1). The following phases of evaluation,…
News from the Committee  Le 03/04/2020
The Covid-19 epidemic has shown how necessary it is to progress in opening up scientific publications and research data. This is essential to accelerate discovery process and share data freely for the benefit of science and even more so for…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 10/03/2020
The French National Fund for Open Science (FNSO) has decided to support three international open science infrastructures as part of SCOSS, the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services initiative. As announced when the fund was created, the Steering Committee…
News from the Committee  Le 26/02/2020
Following on from the National Plan for Open Science launched in July 2018, the CNRS presented its Roadmap for Open Science at the 2019 National Open Science Days (JNSO). The implementation of this roadmap is based on tangible projects structured…
News from the Committee  Le 18/02/2020
The Research Data College is entering a new phase of its work. It will structure its action for the year 2020 around four major axes which were announced during the National Open Science Days on November 18th and 19th 2019.…
News from the Committee  Le 29/01/2020
The Research Data Summit was held at the Sorbonne University on Monday, January 27th and brought together nine networks representing more than 160 of the world’s leading research universities. During this summit the “Sorbonne Declaration” on research data rights was…
News from the Committee  Le 28/01/2020
illustration New version of scanR
scanR was launched in 2016 and there will be a new version in January 2020. This search engine can be used to explore the French higher education, research and innovation (ESRI) landscape. Users can identify and characterize entities such as…
News from the Committee  Le 28/01/2020
illustration 49% of French publications in open access
The second Flash Note published by the Baromètre français de la science ouverte (French Open Science Monitor) has announced that the proportion of French publications published in 2018 and available in open access in December 2019 is 49%, or nearly…
News from the Committee  Le 24/01/2020
illustration French researchers support the movement towards open science
The Couperin consortium has published the results of its survey of French researchers’ publication and open access practices. It focused on an analysis of the relationship between researchers and scientific publishers as well as open access practices in journals and…
Watch  Le 16/01/2020
With the support of the Conference of University Presidents (CPU), the Couperin consortium has conducted a national survey on article processing charges (APC) paid by French higher education and research institutions. The aim of the survey was to obtain and…
News from the Committee  Le 04/12/2019
“There is an urgent need to improve the methods of evaluation of scientific research results by funding agencies, educational and research organizations and other actors.”(DORA, 2012) The National Plan for Open Science follows the spirit of the Leiden Manifesto and…
Watch  Le 08/11/2019
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation’s Open Science Committee has commissioned the Couperin consortium to lead a consortium membership in ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) on behalf of French institutions, especially higher education and research institutions. This…
News from the Committee  Le 08/11/2019
The French Open Science Monitor was a commitment announced by the National Open Science Plan and its first issue has now been published. Its primary objective is to measure the open access (OA) share of French scientific publications, which amounts…
The National Fund for Open Science  Le 02/09/2019
The Open Science Steering Committee, the decision-making body of the Open Science Committee, will launch a call for projects in September for actions in favour of scientific publishing and publication. This call has a budget of €2.6 million, part of…
News from the Committee  Le 06/08/2019
Quality research data are key elements of the research process. They should be available at all times, publicly and free of charge for possible reuse. In recent years, various stakeholders, from research funding agencies to publishers, have endorsed a concise…
News from the Committee  Le 12/07/2019
The National Research Agency (ANR) has asked the Open Science Committee for its opinion and recommendations on the implementation of the Data Management Plan (DMP) for projects it funds from 2019 onwards. The request was processed by the “ PGD ” working…
News from the Committee  Le 14/06/2019
A number of criteria,  qualified as exemplarity criteria, have been defined by the Committee for Open Science. They will be used to guide the choice of investments to be made in scientific publishing and more particularly in platforms, infrastructures and…
News from the Committee  Le 22/05/2019
illustration Toward the certification of open access books
A new foundation, named the Directory of open access books (DOAB), has just been launched, gearing up Europe with a peer certification mechanism for open access scientific monographs. This project is driven by the CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université and the Dutch…
News from the Committee  Le 04/04/2019
illustration The French National Research Agency (ANR) has launched a “Flash” call for ideas on open sciences
French National Research Agency (ANR) “Flash” call for ideas on open sciences is a planned component of the national plan for open science and represents an opportunity to accelerate the process of development in several French scientific communities regarding important…
Watch  Le 21/02/2019
The Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary (OPEN) Government Data Act was promulgated on January 14, 2019 . By signing it into law, President Trump enacted the basic principle that all government data, including federally funded research data, must be made…
News from the Committee  Le 25/01/2019
The Commitee for Open Science has published a short reply to the online consultation run by the cOAlition S on the Guide for the implemention of Plan S published at the end of November 2018. This memorandum focuses on elements…
News from the Committee  Le 25/01/2019
The Committee for Open Science has made recommendations on the 10 points of the Plan S in response to a request from the French National Research Agency (ANR). The ANR signed the Plan S and thus committed to scientific publications…
Watch  Le 16/01/2019
Every year Heather Morrison reports on the past year with figures on her blog The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics. For her, 2018 was the “best year yet for net growth of open access”. Here are some figures on journals, articles…
Watch  Le 04/01/2019
illustration Update of the analysis of the Open Data and Open Science policies in Europe (SPARC/DCC)
SPARC has put a report online which updates information on European policies on open data and science by concentrating on the period between January and November 2018. The original analysis was published in May 2017. It discusses the continuing increase…
News from the Committee  Le 20/12/2018
illustration Building Bibliodiversity with Multiple Approaches. Joint Statement of the French Open Science Committee, promotors of the Jussieu Call, and the Open Access 2020 Initiative
During the 14th Berlin Open Access Conference, on 3-4 December 2018, a joint statement was drafted by the French Open Science Committee (Bibliodiversity WG and the College of Publications) and the OA2020 carriers. Joint efforts will be initiated in 2019…
Watch  Le 03/12/2018
The cOAlition S has just published the guide to setting up Plan S. The document is seven pages long, and it provides the elements about the rules to respect so that scientific publications are in harmony with plan S. It…
Watch  Le 29/11/2018
illustration National Open Science Days – JNSO 2018
The programme for the first National Open Science Days (JNSO) is online. These days will be on December 4th, 5th and 6th and take place at the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI). Bernard Larrouturou, general director…
Watch  Le 23/11/2018
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) was launched on November 23rd 2018 at an event organized in Vienna by the Austrian presidency of the Council of the European Union. This event marks the conclusion of a long process of consultation…
Watch  Le 23/11/2018
The European Commission’s group of experts’ final report and action plan on FAIR data have just been published. They highlight the measures which need to be taken regarding research culture and technology to make sure that data, codes and other…
Watch  Le 15/11/2018
LIBER and other organizations – Allied for Startups, the League of European Research Universities (LERU), the European University Association (EUA) and Digital Europe – have sent an open letter to the European Commission, Council and Parliament who are currently negotiating the…
Watch  Le 06/11/2018
In a statement dated November 5th 2018, Wellcome and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced that they are joining the “cOAlition S” and approve the principles of the Plan S. In parallel to this statement, Wellcome has published the details…
News from the Committee  Le 19/09/2018
Proposal from the French Open science committee – Free and open source group / Proposition du Comité pour la science ouverte – Groupe projet logiciels libres et open source (PDF) OSM: Open Science Monitor Open Science Monitor – Draft methodological…
News from the Committee  Le 06/09/2018
illustration Open science: adoption in 11 European countries and for ERC programmes of obligatory open access for publications
On Tuesday September 4th 2018, 11 National research funding organizations announced the launch of cOAlition S, with the support of the European Commission including the European Research Council (ERC). cOAlition S is an initiative that aims to substantiate free access…
News from the Committee  Le 31/08/2018
Feedback from the French Open science committee / Commentaires du Comité pour la science ouverte (PDF) The draft methodological note[1] published by the EC about the Open Science Monitor raises several questions. As it encourages for feedback, we detail below…
Watch  Le 10/08/2018
illustration The first newsletter of the coalition concerning the sustainability of services for open science (SCOSS)
The SCOSS coalition (Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services) is a network of institutions engaged in securing the future of open access. Each year, the coalition will invite the non-commercial services of open access/open science to present applications for…
Watch  Le 04/07/2018
illustration The national plan for open science
Today, Wednesday July 4th 2018, Frédérique VIDAL, Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation revealed the national plan for open science during the annual conference of the League of European Research Libraries (LIBER). France is building an ambitious policy with…
News from the Committee  Le 25/05/2018
This guide was written by researchers, lawyers and professionals of scientific and technical information* to inform researchers clearly and simply of the new rights that the October 2016 law for a Digital Republic has opened to them for the diffusion…
Watch  Le 27/10/2016
This report, commissioned by BSN 4 and BSN 7, is concerned with the new ways in which open access journals can be editorialised. The transition to open access has accelerated in recent years. Several countries have established a legal framework…
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