Adapting Open Science – Summary
Carried out by Inno³
Successfully appropriating open science Project – Research Data College
How can we support the evolution of practices associated with data in relation to the incentives and obligations of open science public policies?
Document published under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence
Pictures published under Unsplash licence
Table of contents
1. Background and objectives of the study
The “Adapting Open Science” study
2. Methodology
3. Results
3.1 What factors should be considered to better understand the diversity of data practices in research?
3.2 How can we support the evolution of data-related practices in relation to the incentives and obligations of Open Science
public policies?
4. Key takeaways
4.1 Understanding research approaches in detail
4.2 Understand different practices for making data available
4.3 Learn about learning methods and collaborative practices
4.4 Diversify the types of support
4.5 Considering status and career issues
5. Limitations
6. Conclusion
7. Annexes
7.1 Main results of the “Data and Open Science” questionnaire
7.2 Access to the study’s various research outputs
7.3 Credits