COAR 2020 Annual Meeting: Fostering Diversity in Scholarly Communication ANNULATION


COAR 2020 Annual Meeting & General Assembly will take place in Lima (Peru) hosted by CONCYTEC in collaboration with LA Referencia.

Fostering Diversity in Scholarly Communication: expanding and strengthening the role of repositories

Diversity is an important characteristic of any healthy ecosystem, including scholarly communications. Diversity in services, platforms, funding mechanisms, and evaluation measures will allow the system to accommodate the needs of different research communities and support a variety of workflows, languages, scholarly outputs, and research topics.

As we continue on the path towards full and immediate open access (and open scholarship more broadly) we must think about how we can create the conditions that allow diversity to exist and flourish. At COAR we recognize and celebrate the diversity of our community. At the same time, we understand that diversity cannot thrive unless it is fostered in an intentional way, through strong coordination.

This meeting will be an opportunity to discuss how we can use the global repository network to support greater diversity, while also supporting the need for an international system. We will learn more about the current context in Latin America, and raise awareness of other approaches being developed around the world.

Date et Heure
22 avril 2020 24 avril 2020
Lima, Pérou


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