European Dataverse Workshop 2020
- Target Group: Representatives from (European) research institutions that are using, or planning to use, Dataverse to run their research data repositories, and, more generally, research institutions that are looking for a repository software.
- Program: See this page.
- Fees: Participation fee covering lunch, coffee & tea. Separate fee for optional workshop dinner.
- Participation 1 day: NOK 225 (incl. 25% VAT)
- Participation 2 days: NOK 450 (incl. 25% VAT)
- Workshop dinner: NOK 535 (incl. 25% VAT)
- Practical Information: See this page.
- Registration: See information and go to register form here.
Date et Heure
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Culture and Social Sciences Library
Tromsø, Norvège
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