Building Open Science in Europe: The road ahead for the EOSC community and the EU Member States
The eInfraCentral project invites current and potential users of the European Open Science Cloud, service providers from Research Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures, national and EU-level policy makers, and all other interested stakeholders to discuss further implementation steps for the EOSC. The workshop will highlight the achievements in the development of the EOSC Portal and will continue the discussion on how to build a user-centric EOSC and implement it across the EU Member States and Associated Countries.
This free-of-charge workshop is organised and hosted by eInfraCentral in cooperation with other EOSC-related projects and initiatives and as one of the key projects in the implementation of the EOSC Portal.
Rencontre - En ligne
The virtual meeting gives you the opportunity to conveniently join us from your preferred location, to vote on decision items, and to contribute to critical discussions that impact the direction of EOSC-A. Notably, we anticipate that four Board of Directors…
Conférence - Tromsø, Norvège et en ligne
The Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing has a history going back to 2006. In 2006, the University of Tromsø got its institutional repository for publications. In connection with the launch of the repository, a seminar was organized at the end…
Rencontre - Maribor, Slovénie
The LIBER Winter Event is a one-and-a-half-day event that takes place every year in person at a LIBER Library host venue. It is designed with and for the core LIBER network; people working at LIBER Libraries across Europe, those taking…
Conférence - Marseille
Le Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche et Aix Marseille université via CEDRE et son SCD (Service Commun de la Documentation) s’associent pour organiser les « Assises Nationales des Données de la Recherche ». L’objectif sera de réunir formellement…