OAI 11: “Open Science – its impact and potential as a driver for radical change”
The Scientific Committee for OAI 11 – The CERN-UNIGE Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication is pleased to announce that the 11th Workshop will be held at University of Geneva on June 19th – 21st 2019. The theme of the Workshop is Open Science – its impact and potential as a driver for radical change.
The Registration page for the plenary sessions of the Workshop is https://indico.cern.ch/event/786048/registrations/47972/.
The Programme is still being finalised but the Conference sessions will include:
- Practical Workshops (registration details to be announced soon)
- A Technical session on Open Science software, tools and infrastructures
- FAIR data as a booster for innovation
- Copyright
- New Initiatives and Studies in Open Access Book Publishing
- Text and Data Mining (TDM)/Discovery
- Research Evaluation and DORA
- Preprints/archiving/dissemination of early-stage outputs
- Beyond the known Known
Keynote presentations are planned on Research Evaluation and Progress in Open Science practice.
A poster session is planned as part of the 3-day Programme. If you would like to present a poster, please contact Josh Brown j.brown@orcid.org.