In progress


Coordinating and developing actions to promote open science and the diamond model for the journal incubators in the Repères network

The proposed project is structured around three axes aimed at building solid coordination between the public scientific publishing ecosystem and journal incubators: to improve coordination of Repères, to develop shared training and documentation for the incubators, and to prepare and provide collective support for the development of the technical infrastructures of the incubators

See the call for projects
Project in brief
Leading establishment
Universitaire Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Université de Bordeaux
Infrastructure de recherche Métopes
Université de Liège
UMR Héritages
Infrastructure de recherche OpenEdition
UAR 3602 Persée
Funding recipient(s)
Universitaire Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Project duration
36 mois
145 800,00 €