Paris Conference on Open Research Information


Les résumés et les supports des présentations

We are delighted to announce the Paris Conference on Open Research Information, a two-day conference for signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information. The conference will take place on September 23-24, 2024 and will be hosted by Sorbonne University in Paris.

A large number of organizations that carry out, fund, and evaluate research have signed the Barcelona Declaration. These organizations have committed to make openness the default for the research information they use and produce, to work with services and systems that support and enable open research information, to support the sustainability of infrastructures for open research information, and (4) to support collective action to accelerate the transition to openness of research information.

To support signatories of the Barcelona Declaration in fulfilling their commitment to open research information, the Paris Conference on Open Research Information has two aims:

  • To provide a forum for sharing experiences and good practices regarding open research information.
  • To develop a joint roadmap for open research information.

The first day of the conference will feature talks about open research information by signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration. The organizers of the Declaration will also provide updates on the most recent developments related to the Declaration.

The second day of the conference will be used to develop a joint roadmap for open research information. More information about the development of this roadmap will be shared with the conference participants prior to the conference.

Contributing a talk

If you are interested in contributing a talk on the first day of the Paris Conference on Open Research Information, we invite you to send a short abstract of your proposed talk (about 250 words) to (deadline: July 10). In your abstract, please explain how your talk will help signatories of the Barcelona Declaration to fulfill their commitment to open research information.

Your talk should take at most 15 minutes. It will be followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Both on-site and online talks will be facilitated. By August 1 we will inform you whether we are able to include your proposed talk in the conference program.

Organizing committee

  • Amélie Church (Sorbonne Universite)
  • Bianca Kramer (Sesame Open Science)
  • Cameron Neylon (Curtin Open Knowledge Institute)
  • Nees Jan van Eck (CWTS, Leiden University)
  • Ludo Waltman (CWTS, Leiden University)
Date et Heure
23 septembre 2024 24 septembre 2024
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Paris, France


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