OASPA2023 Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing
The 2023 online conference will encourage participants to consider how we might all work towards truly equitable and inclusive open scholarship practices as well as address many timely and fundamental topics relating to open scholarly communication. The conference will once again be held online to ensure wide participation and the opportunity to welcome as many participants as possible for collective reflection and discussion.
The 2023 online conference will encourage participants to work towards making equitable open scholarship a reality and will address many timely and fundamental topics relating to open scholarly communication.
These include, and are not limited to
- Efforts to reform scholarly publishing – a progress check
- Funder mandates and their influence on OA publishing models
- Overcoming obstacles in policy development
- Diamond OA and sustainability challenges
- Global preprint adoption trends and open peer review
- Artificial Intelligence and its implications for scholarly communication
- Research integrity and the growing role of open science
- OA models to broaden participation
- OA through the lenses of sustainability, justice and resilience
Rencontre - Toulouse, France
La Semaine Data-SHS est un évènement national coordonné par l’IR* Progedo, organisé localement par chacune des dix-sept plateformes universitaires de données (PUD), afin de présenter un large panel d’usages de la quantification en SHS, favoriser l’accès aux données, le recours…
Conférence - Le Cap, Afrique du sud
Open Science in the South: African Scientific Publishing we want In Africa, the need to increase visibility is all the more acute as much high-quality research remains unrecognized because it is published in low-profile journals. As example, a recent study shows that less than half of African scientific journals…
Conférence - Le Cap, Afrique du sud
The Berlin, Bethesda and Budapest Declarations gave much hope for improved dissemination and access to scholarship. These Declarations make reference to research as a public good with the Budapest Open Access Initiative Bethesda Declaration committing to bidirectional flow of learning,…
Rencontre - Rennes, France et en ligne
Il y a une dizaine d’années, les scientifiques se retrouvaient face à un réel questionnement sur notre capacité collective à reproduire les expérimentations, un phénomène identifié dans plusieurs publications majeures (ex : Open science collab, 2015). Depuis, cette « crise de la…