
The 9th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science

Book of abstracts

We welcome you to take part in the PUBMET2022 conference, which strives to present and discuss the plurality of approaches to scholarly communication, scholarly publishing and assessment (metrics). The conference will be held from 15 to 16 September 2022 with a pre-conference day on 14 September 2022 scheduled for workshops. The conference will present innovative approaches, best practice discussions and take on future challenges. The organisers aim to maintain lively discussion among experts from various fields involved in scholarly publishing and dissemination of knowledge. The field of scholarly communication, scholarly publishing and research assessment includes all disciplines and a variety of skills: researchers from different disciplines, information specialists and librarians, editors, publishers, teachers, students, policy makers, communication specialists, repository managers and university administrators.

This year’s conference topics are focused, but not limited to recent challenges in scholarly communication:

  • Assessing the quality of research process, research outputs and publication channels
  • Redesigning Open Access – Rights retention strategies and alternatives to paid OA
  • Fairness of Open Science 
  • Potentials of public engagement in science and environmental activism
  • Raising efficiency and effectiveness in scholarly communication

All topics will be presented by invited speakers and in shorter presentations by registered speakers. The conference also includes workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions.


Date et Heure
14 septembre 2022 16 septembre 2022
Zadar, Croatie
Autres Infos
University of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences, Centre for Scientific Information of the Ruđer Bošković Institute, University of Zagreb, Croatian Association for Scholarly Communication, and University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine.


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