FAIRsFAIR Week 2021


FAIRsFAIR is one of the Horizon 2020 projects for the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Its goal is to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle and to foster FAIR data culture and the uptake of good practices in making data FAIR. Following the firm thumbs up for the 22-member project consortium received a the recent project review, in the coming weeks and months, efforts to broaden and deepen the impact of FAIRsFAIR both within and beyond established networks will be considerably intensified. Plans include active engagement with the newly formed EOSC Association, a series of national roadshows across Europe, and events for university audiences. Connections with the data science profession will also be strengthened through the soon-to-be-opened FAIRsFAIR Competence Centre.

In the week of 7 to 15 April FAIRsFAIR will be offering project insiders and external stakeholders alike the opportunity to immerse themselves fully in all things FAIR! The highlight of the week, FAIRsFAIR 2021 Public Workshop, will be the public event on 13 April when we will showcase our key stakeholder and community outputs and solutions for FAIR uptake. 

There are many other opportunities to join FAIRsFAIR at work. Discover the list of events and register here.

Date et Heure
07 avril 2021 15 avril 2021
En ligne


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