2024 ACM Conference on Reproducibility and Replicability
The ACM Conference for Reproducibility and Replicability (ACM REP) brings together a broad and inclusive intellectual community around the issues of reproducibility of computational research, including practical, actionable aspects of reproducibility in broad areas of computational science and data exploration, with special emphasis on issues in which community collaboration can be essential for adopting novel methodologies, techniques and frameworks aimed at addressing some of the challenges we face today. The ACM REP conference series is associated with the ACM Emerging Interest Group for Reproducibility and Replicability.
Conférence - Paris, France and online
The annual Software Heritage Summit and Symposium provides a unique platform for academia, industry, and policymakers to discuss critical issues at the intersection of software, artificial intelligence, and society. This year’s Symposium focuses on four key themes: Cybersecurity and regulation…
Conférence - La Haye, Pays-Bas
The main theme of IDCC this year is Twenty years back, twenty years forward: lessons and directions in digital curation. The first International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) took place in 2005, one year after the launch of the Digital Curation Centre. The…
Conférence - Paris, France
Couperin organise les 19, 20, 21 mars 2025 à Arts et Métiers 155 Boulevard de l’hôpital 75013 Paris, trois journées d’étude. Elles aborderont les nouveaux enjeux liés aux publications scientifiques et aux modèles éditoriaux. Elles s’intéresseront, entre autres, aux questions…