17th International Digital Curation Conference


IDCC is an established annual event reaching out to individuals, organisations and institutions across all disciplines and domains involved in curating data. It provides an opportunity to get together with like-minded data practitioners to discuss policy and practice.

As usual the conference programme will feature keynote speakers, paper presentations, posters, workshops, demonstrations, and other activities of interest to the IDCC22 attendees.

IDCC22 will focus on the topic of Reusability.

Reuse drives preservation and curation efforts. Time and other resources go into digital curation because we anticipate reuse, now or in the future, and because we expect reuse has value for some community (of which we may or may not be a member). If we have the opportunity, we consider how best to balance curatorial efforts with the needs of potential reusers. FAIR data principles say: « The ultimate goal of FAIR is to optimise the reuse of data », but we are usually not willing to invest unlimited present-day resources to achieve perfect optimisation for what are sometimes uncertain and unknowable future reusers.

The theme of this year’s IDCC is reusability from every perspective. How do we ensure reusability by the widest possible audience? When does that goal conflict with optimising reusability for a single specialist audience? What technologies, tools and workflows aid us in curating digital information for reuse, or in reusing digital collections that are not optimally suited for it? How can users and contributors from communities distant from that of the curators contribute to effective reuse? How can curation help limit energy use to ensure that there will be a future in which reuse can take place? When government agencies meet commitments to make their data publicly available, what does this mean in terms of enabling reuse in the broadest contexts?

Date et Heure
13 juin 2022 16 juin 2022
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